This week has been so productive both on and off the computer ... lol. We managed to make flower gardens both in the front and back yard. They turned out really nice (quite a few bucks later!). I also got on a creative streak and have enough freebies to give away for months ... lol. Which might work out good because when summer finally arrives, I definately want to be spending more time outside. I think the tree swallows that nested in our birdhouse had their babies because both mom and dad are taking shifts staying inside. One won't leave until the other one is ready to fly in. Can't wait to see the babies, hope I can get pics~!!!
I find when scrapbooking sometimes it's the journaling or words that really make the page. Sometimes a 'saying', 'quote' or 'poem' or just one word can say it all. I realized that most of the stuff I make has words or letters on it. I tend to make things that I would use and I get alot of my ideas from things I've looked for in the past but didn't find. I hope you can use some of these things too.
Well, I find this so interesting. The stick pins which is something that I would use in a layout for sure has had quite a few downloads so far but very few comments. So I'm not sure if people just 'grab' things because they are freebies or because they would really use them. Not one comment in my cbox which is where I look for comments. I have made quite a few different kinds of these stick pins and now I'm not sure whether I will use them here. Interesting though to see what people comment on.
Anyways, on to the next letter in the 'is for' series.
Well, in my part of the world in Canada it is spring. I think this is one of the coldest springs I can remember. I love hot weather, the hotter the better. We usually go on a tropical vacation once or twice a year but this year will be our first summer in our new house and we will be enjoying our time here. Which is why I am waiting patiently for the nice weather to arrive. So even though we won't be vacationing south, I still have lots of previous vacation photos to scrap.
Thanks for the feedback on 'Cat Bits 1". Looks like there is alot of cat lovers out there. I think people need to know that the feedback is what encourages us to keep creating freebies. Without the comments it all feels like for nothing. It also lets us know what type of things people will really use and what people are looking for. I love to hear requests too. Joyce suggested a set for dogs ... thanks. It will be coming up in a week or two. ;-) I would prefer the comments to be in my cbox on the right side of this blog rather then 4shared because once I delete the file on 4 shared I lose all those comments.
Not only am I a bird lover but I have a passion for all animals. My dream some day is to go on a safari. I have no idea how anyone can hurt an animal. I loved the series 'Planet Earth', I found it totally amazing all that wilflife out there. We have two cats and I don't know what I'd do without them. So here's a little something for all you cat lovers.
I hope all the mothers out there have a great day! The sun is shining here and the birds are singing. I had company for a few days and had a great time. I think this is the first time I've 'sat' in 3 days ... lol. I really feel 'out of the loop' when I don't go on the computer for days in a row. Addicted? Possibly, but I can think of worse addictions.
Wow ... one week into May already? Is that possible? Time sure flys, which I guess is why we all need to make the most of every day! It's so easy to get hung up on the little things, we sometimes need to step back and see what is important. I am looking forward to a fabulous summer~!
I knew I should of cut my grass while the weather was nice! Now it's been raining everyday and it's going to be 10 ft. tall! LOL Oh well, we do have some 'beautiful' birds nesting in our birdhouse.
They are Tree Swallows and I think they are so pretty!
I am aPROUDCanadian who loves to create things. I've been 'digitally' fooling around for quite a few years now and find it very relaxing and rewarding. I hope you can get some use out of my creations.
Digital scrapbooking is a fabulous way for people to show off their creativity. But this is not JUST about digital scrapbooking, it's about digital creating. The possibilities are endless~! I find the whole digital world is just like therapy ...