So in dedication of Mischief I made some more Cat Overlays that went into
LLL Creations Dollar Mart today;
Cat Overlays #2
You get 4 cat overlays for only $1.00 ~ get them HERE.

And below you can see closer views against 12x12 inch papers ...
(Mischief in one of his many nap poses)

And Cat Overlays #3
Again you get 4 cat overlays for only $1.00 ~ get them HERE.

And below you can see closer views against 12x12 inch papers ...
(Mischief just contemplating his next move)

Animals are like our children, we take pictures of them, we put their pictures into frames and they are also part of our scrapbooks. They give us joy like kids and are part of our family. I often wonder how anyone could be cruel to an animal.
Hey, you only have 2 DAYS LEFT for both my May Contest to win a $10 shopping spree and for my May Promotion to get 4 free overlays~! So come on over to LLL Creations and look around.
~~ -:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:- ~~
Today I gathered up some copper frames I had made for various things and put them together for your freebie ... 5 of them!
Download Copper Frame Set

And the layout below shows one of the frames (This frame is semi-transparent) on a 12x12 inch layout.

NOTE: Cat word art is available here.
Hanging Heart is available here.
Paper is available here.
LOVE to hear your comments~ Have a great weekend~!