There was ALOT of woodpeckers born around here this year. They have been feeding on the peanuts we put out and in the picture above the mom was getting peanuts and feeding it to the baby. Many of babies have been coming to our backyard to feed without the moms and I guess because they have seen us since birth they are so tame! And funny!. They go to the back of our house and sit on the brick wall very close to us. And every once in a while you will hear a 'rap, rap, rap' and they are knocking their beaks against the deck. Just instinct I guess but they obviously don't know the difference between a wooden deck and a tree yet ... lol.
Canada Day is in just a few days and it's time to celebrate Canada. The weather is supposed to be nice so I'm hoping to see some fireworks somewhere. A few days later the United States celebrates Independence Day on the 4th of July where I'm sure fireworks will be abundant. No matter what country you are from it's always nice to celebrate where you live.
In honour of celebrating Canada and U.S.A. I have put these 2 frames into
LLL Creations Dollar Mart;
(Click on any picture for closer view)
Canada Frame - only $1 - get it HERE.

Frame shown for size on a 12x12 inch paper below ...

And U.S.A. Frame - only $1 - get it HERE.
(same size as Canada Frame)

Whether you are celebrating Canada or U.S.A. or have some vacation pictures to scrap, these frames are unique and make a great layout.
Tomorrow is the LAST DAYof my promotion.
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Todays freebie is this Happy Canada Day word art:
Download Happy Canada Day Word Art

Size shown on the 12x12 inch layout below:

Other items in the above layout are part of Canada Day Mini Kit available HERE.
Please leave a comment below this post or in my CBox on the right side of this blog.
Stay tuned in a few days for 4th of July Word Art~