Last night just before dusk, I was outside and the sky was just amazing. One of the most beautiful skys I have ever seen. And I've seen some amazing skys.

It was one of those skys you just can't stop looking at because it changes so quickly. It went from pink, to purple to this amazing orange colour just before it got dark. It was spectacular!
I still haven't started my daughter's wedding scrapbook. She has most of the pictures but is still waiting for one dvd from one of the main photographers. I want to wait until I have them all to start it so I can compare and choose the appropriate pictures. I do know that there is alot of really nice ones and this is one of my favourites so far!

One of my favourites ... I have lots of favourites though ... lol.
The frame in the above layout is part of a set of frames that went into
LLL Creations Dollar Mart today;
Simply Oval Frames - 6 large detailed oval frames for only $1.50 - get them HERE.

They really look great against light and dark backgrounds and could be used for any kind of layout.
Come on over and see what else LLL Creations Dollar Mart has to offer ...
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Your freebie today is this new Charcoal paper pack ...
7 beautiful rich papers for outstanding layouts ... Both of the layouts in this post are using one of these papers ...
Download Charcoal Paper Pack #3

Even though I'm not posting as often, I'll hope you'll stick with me ...
Comments are appreciated. Enjoy the freebie and have a great weekend~!