Bailey our new kitten (he's actually at least doubled in weight since we got him) has adjusted quite nicely. He's got a great personality and has fit in just fine~!

Nemo and him have been great together too. I had noticed a few weeks back that Nemo's 'meow' seemed really raspy. He is a very vocal cat and meows alot. It definately sounded like he must have a bit of a cold. I noticed it the week after we got Bailey but I honestly think it might of started a few days before. Anyways, I really noticed it that week and figured Nemo must of got it from Bailey since he did have a bit of a cold coming from the Humaine Society.
One week ago we had company and I noticed Nemo wasn't around much but I thought it might be because we had company. He's not antisocial or anything but sometimes he just wants to be alone. The next day, Saturday, I found that Nemo didn't want to come out from under our bed. I tried everything to coax him and even brought him up food and water and he wanted nothing to do with it. I started to get quite worried that evening. On Sunday, same thing, he wouldn't come out from under the bed. We could see he was having a hard time swallowing, and was obviously getting dehydrated. We took him out and tried putting food and water in his mouth but he just wanted to go back under the bed. Now I was really worried!
I had to work Monday so my husband brought him to the vet and they did blood work. The blood work results came back all normal except some elevated white blood cells and said they had to send some blood work to Toronto (a city a 100 km's away) to check for pancreas problems.
They hydrated him with fluids by a needle under his skin and gave us an antibiotic and some perscription food that they said we would have to give him by squirting it through a syringe into his mouth. When my husband got home with him he opened the food and decided to try some in a bowl first. And Nemo ate it. Yay! I called from work and was really happy to hear that. Nemo obviously was weak from not eating etc and slept most of the day. That night he came downstairs and laid on the back of the couch like he normally does and ate a little more food too. The next day we called for the results of the blood work and it came back normal. No problems with the pancreas. YAY! They weren't sure what it was but they wanted us to keep giving him the antibiotic medication and keep a close eye on him. It was 'some type' of infection. I thought for sure Bailey had given him something from the Humaine Society but the vet said it is highly unlikely and just a coincidence. Either way, Nemo is much better. Not 100% but close and we couldn't be happier. The vet charged way to much as usual, but who can put a price on a family pet? Was it worth it? Hell Ya!!! I truly think without the hydration he might not of been here today.
Nemo is only 6 years old and has alot of years left in him ... we are so glad he's back ~!!!
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Well, today the last of these frames went into LLL Creations Dollar Mart. There have been Circle, Oval and Rectangle and today ...
Simply Square Frames - 6 large beautiful chrome frames for only $1.50 - get them HERE.

And the below layout shows the size of one of the frames on a 12x12" paper.
This is Nemo ... he must be feeling better, he's sitting beside the cupboard that holds the treats ... lol.

If you never have been to LLL Creations Dollar Mart you really should come over and take a peek. I have so many items in the store now, of course ALL of them dollar store prices and I think alot of the items are really unique. Come over and see ...
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Halloween is just around the corner. I love to see all the little ghosts and goblins walking down the street. Today your freebie is this Halloween Cluster Overlay. I wasn't really sure what to call this. You could use it as a page bottom or overlay it over a picture, etc ... etc.
Halloween Cluster Overlay

The below layout shows the cluster at the bottom of the page. This is my daughter in 1988 when she was 6 years old!
It's never to late to scrap~!!!

The Halloween word art in the above layout is available HERE.
Have a great weekend~! Comments as usual are always appreciated.