You know I dream of a day where I have 'nothing' to do. I would LOVE to have one day where I am bored out of my mind! lol Unfortunately my life isn't like that. I always have a million things on the go and it seems the days are never long enough. I'm not complaining, I actually like it that way. And I am the one the creates all the things I really need to do. But just once I would like to be caught up and have no lists! lol
We are just finishing another project, this time the laundry room floor. We decided to do ceramic because it is actually the cheapest way to go. Plus my husband always wanted to try doing a ceramic floor and the laundry room is a great place to learn because if it's not perfect that's OK. (And when I need my bathroom done I'll know who to get! LOL) So we started off buying the floor, just a neutral colour. After he started it I had an idea. Since we have many different extra ceramic tiles around the house from other rooms left over I thought why don't we put a design in the middle of the floor. He said you draw it out, tell me what to cut and we'll do it. OK ... lol. So I drew out a design and showed him where I wanted to put it and away we went. It was fun. It was like doing a jigsaw puzzle... lol.

The above pictures are when we were laying out the design and before it was actually cemented down.
So tonight he grouted it and it looks pretty darn awesome! It needs to dry and be cleaned so I'll show you the finished product next post. But that was a fun project. Ok so other then drawing up the design and helping him one night put the design down he actually did all the work including cutting all the tiles, cementing it down and grouting it ... lol. But I felt a part of it because of my design idea ... lol. He loves it too and it gave him more cutting `practice`.

It has been pretty darn cold out. I realize that's what January is normally like in Canada but I don't enjoy the cold at all. I love the heat. I know alot of people complain in the summer when it gets too hot but I don't. I love the heat! It seems one of my cats does too. I caught Nemo the other day lounging beside the fireplace and when I went over to pat him his fur was HOT HOT HOT! But he was loving it. lol

So as I was making this layout I decided to put
all 5 sets of my Feline Word Art on sale for 99 cents at My Memories. Get them
HERE (See related products on this page for all other Feline Word Art Sets)
*NOTE: You do not need to have
My Memories Suite to download the products there. When you purchase you have the option of an installer file into My Memories Suite and/or a General zip file. (The best part is they are always there for you if you need them)
OK now, speaking of My Memories Suite -
only 12 people have entered my contest to win a full downloadable version!!! So your chances of winning are great! Read the rules below and then head on over and enter!!! Only 9 days left~
Enter the contest by Liking LLL Creations Dollar Mart on facebook
*Please make sure you read the rules below to qualify. It's easy to win!
(You can also see these rules on my facebook page)

And then I was thinking of a freebie to give you. I decided to give you this:
Basket Weave Frame Sampler - Get it HERE
This is a sample frame done in the same design as my Basket Weave Oval Frames Set. (shown below) (Which is over at My Memories
And then I thought, what the heck, I'll put that on sale for
99 cents too!

So download the sampler ... and if you like it head on over and get the 4 pc set - 99 cents only until the 27th!
Hope you had a great weekend~~