Sorry for the 'gap' between posts but I'm trying to organize my life ... lol. I feel like I have so much going on all the time and I'm ignoring some things that I really need to do. So I'm chipping away at it. You know, the closets that get crammed with 'stuff'. The things you need to sort but never get around to. I actually shredded 3 garbage bags full of paperwork that I've been meaning to go through for some time now. Sheesh ....
It's not that my house is a mess or anything. It's those 'hidden' spots, you know closets, drawers etc. So I'm on a mission right now ... lol.
Last weekend we had the honour of sitting in on my daughter and son-in-laws 3D ultrasound where they were going to find out the gender of their 2nd baby! Originally they were going to wait and find out at the birth but I guess my daughter was anxious to find out. The 3D ultrasound was amazing (just like for her first son.) The baby was very active and moving around alot. And the verdict is.... ANOTHER BOY!!! And he looks so much like his brother. What an experience to see your grandchildren BEFORE they are born!!!

He is not due until June 8th but my daughter is much bigger this time around then with her first son. So he still has some growing to do and it's so darn exciting~!
(If you are interested in the word art in that layout it is available here:
New Mother Word Art)
Before I get to the freebies. Have you 'liked' LLL Creations on facebook yet? I have EXCLUSIVE freebies over there that you might be interested in and I change them quite often. With the new Timeline you have to go to the 'Exclusive Freebie' tab at the top after you like the page. Plus you will get to see the sales I have going on and contests etc. Come join the fun. :-)
If you are interested in visiting my shop at My Memories go HERE. I have many items that are not in LLL Creations Dollar Mart so come on over.
Now I've never tried these but My Memories has created some FREE Candy Wrappers that you can download and print off and they are really cute. BUT ... You don't have to use them as candy wrappers because you also get the papers and embellishments seperately!!!
Freebie #1 - Get it HERE.

Freebie #2 - Get it HERE.

Freebie #3 - Get it HERE.

Enjoy! And I'll be back very soon with another freebie~!
As always, comments are appreciated. :-)