Monday, June 20, 2022

Summers Coming...

   Looking for the My Memories June Blog Train?

It's 1 post below this one.

Blog train ends June 30th


There is still time to get in on my store wide sale!
But hurry, ends June 21st

See all the amazing deals HERE


And don't forget to pick up this weeks bundle sale.

Pick up 'Relax & De-Stress Bundle' 50% OFF HERE


And I've put my $2 deal on a 'little' early.  
Pick up 'Splash Pad Fun' HERE
So much water fun in this kit.  Don't miss it!


This week's free kit with purchase is called 'Relaxing Summer'.
Spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Designer shop and use this promo code: June20LDMD
at checkout (case sensitive) and you will get this awesome kit FREE!! Valid until June 26th


Here are the NEW Share the Memories FREEBIES! Both beach themed!
Valid until June 26th

Get this cute 'Beach Lover' mini kit (by me!) free HERE
(Check out all my coordinating kits in the shop under 'Related Items' to this freebie
AND this pretty 'Beachside' cluster free HERE


♥ Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hop on the My Memories Designer June Blog Train!

My contribution to the Blog Train is called 'Friends Forever' 

'Friends Forever' HERE
~Free until June 30th~




😲 Don't miss this AMAZING deal! You can get all of this in 'Floral Infinity' for only $2 this week. The 24 gorgeous blended background papers are some of the prettiest papers I've ever created. You won't be disappointed. Come see it all HERE
Valid until June 20th


Life is hard!  Sometimes you just need to slow down and relax.  Do something that you love in a relaxing atmosphere.  Turn on some music, have a long hot bath, read a good book, go for a long walk, do yoga, this list can go on and on.  But it's important to take time for yourself and de-stress.  Stay positive and breathe.  Take time to rejuvenate.
This week you can pick up 'Relax & De-Stress Bundle' 50% OFF.
You will use the items in this collection over and over again.  See it all HERE


While your shopping don't forget to pick up this weeks FREE kit with purchase. It's called 'Be Happy'.
Spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Designer shop and use this promo code: June13SDYF
at checkout (case sensitive) and you will get this awesome kit FREE!! Valid until June 19th
And my shop is minimum 35% off HERE


Pre Summer Sale! It's that time of year when we are gearing up for summer. Planting gardens, enjoying the days when it warms up, making summer plans. So NOW is a great time to stock up on the scrapbooking kits you are going to need. My ENTIRE shop is a minimum of 35% OFF for 2 weeks. If there is a topic you are looking for, ask me. I will steer you in the right direction.
See all the amazing deals HERE


Did you miss this freebie before?
Sparkle Quick Page is now free until June 29th.
Pick it up HERE


Here are the NEW Share the Memories FREEBIES! Valid until June 19th Get this cute 'Patio Furniture' free HERE AND this pretty 'Summer Wedding Sampler' (by me!) free HERE

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook HERE.
Freebies, sales, new products and so much more!

Here is the complete June Blog Train Designer List:
Make sure you check out each stop to get all the amazing freebies!
~Train runs until June 30th~

(Remember we are all in different time zones, 
so if someone doesn't have their part posted yet, please try again)


Sign up at the top right of my blog to receive all of my
blog posts by email.
You will receive an email to confirm and then make sure you put 
Lil's Little Luxury
on your safe list so they don't go into your junk email.

🚂 Hope you enjoyed the train! 🚂

Friday, June 10, 2022

Hey There!

Well Hello!
Keeping up on this blog has been a struggle.  If you want to keep up with what's going on at LLL Creations, I suggest you follow me on Facebook. 💗

Ok, so there is still time to pick up this weeks $2 Deal.
You can pick up 'Coffee Combo' for only $2! Fun word art and awesome backgrounds with a bonus! Grab it HERE


'Lifelong Friends Bundle' is 50% OFF!
Good friends are like family. Lifelong friends are people you are comfortable with even after long separations. You've shared some great times and you will always feel close to them. These type of friends are precious. Scrap the moments that you have together. Scrap your past memories. Be thankful that you have these friends in your life.
See closer views of this awesome bundle HERE


Make sure you check out 'The Beach House' collection. It has everything you will need to scrap your summer photos. Get it while my shop is 35% off. See the entire collection HERE


And yes, my ENTIRE SHOP is a minimum of 35% off... stock up!
Pre Summer Sale! It's that time of year when we are gearing up for summer. Planting gardens, enjoying the days when it warms up, making summer plans. So NOW is a great time to stock up on the scrapbooking kits you are going to need. My ENTIRE shop is a minimum of 35% OFF for 2 weeks. If there is a topic you are looking for, ask me. I will steer you in the right direction.
See all the amazing deals HERE

Have a fabulous weekend!!