I'm sick of winter already. I need sun, heat, vitamin D and grass under my toes~! Once January comes I literally count down the weeks until the nice weather. I feel cooped up and claustrophobic. I'm itching to play in the garden and watch things grow. Even my cats want to go outside in their cage and watch the nature. The only thing good about winter is it forces you to get things done in the house. The problem is I start 'looking' for things that don't really need to be done - I go from one project to another - I think I drive my husband nuts ... lol.
Here's todays freebie;
Download Month Tags
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 11 Jan [LA 01:21pm, NY 04:21pm, UK 09:21pm] - 12 Jan [OZ 08:21am]).
Thank you for sharing your wonderful monthly tags with us.
These are awesome! Thank you! :)
Love these Month Tags. I am so happy you are creating some things that can be sed in the 365 Photo project. Loved the date stamps and now these! :)
Hmm some thoughts on other items you might be interested in creating seeing as how I have no idea how to create - Days of the week and I could sure use some nice frames and journalling tags!
Thanks so much
I ((LOVE)) these tags! Thanks so much for sharing.
These are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your time and hard work!! It is definitely appreciated by those of us less talented :-)
thank you very much!
great tags :)
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