They are really vocal this time of year and they really try to show off for the females. They sit and puff their body out (I guess so they look strong? lol) and then do their mating call.

And the geese are back and are starting to flock. They usually set up their nests by the ponds in the conservation area and they are already trying to stake ot their territory. Now that is a sure sign that spring is coming.
I thought since I gave away so many wedding elements that I would give away some paper. Of course this paper is not limited to weddings.
It's just ... pretty.
Download Wedding Paper Pack #1

The birds are gorgeous. I have been noticing lots more activity from my bird friends lately. I have added more feeders to my courtyard and plenty of clean water in the birdbaths.
The paper freebie is very pretty. Have a great day and thanks for all you share. Diane
I love how wildlife lets us know that spring is on its way. I too have noticed an increase in the bird population around here. We have an abundance of cardinals in the area where we live and I am constantly amazed at their beauty as they flutter in and out of the trees around here.
Thanks so much for the beautiful wedding papers. Hugs,Wendy
thank you for the pretty papers
Thank you. These are gorgeous.
TY so very much for these LOVELY BGs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank so much it's so pretty!!!
This is beautiful. Can'wait to see more....
These papers are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you very much!
Our birds are coming back too - and my crocuses are poking up through the winter debris. Wonderful, isn't it?
Hugs, Jozzie
Thanks u much/ It`s wonderful design
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Wedding, Birthday/Party Theme(s), Mardi Gras/Carnaval Theme post on Mar. 19, 2009. Thanks again.
Beautiful papers. Thank You
Great papers !
Thks for sharing
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