Early that morning I had filled up all the bird feeders and put out suet etc. I'm really glad I did because the poor little chickadees have been just gorging on it. I have no idea how these tiny birds survive all winter. Actually many of them don't. But if I can help keep the ones around here alive, I will~!! I think they are so pretty and love the sound they make. I find they are getting tamer and tamer compared to a few years ago when we first moved here.

The other birds that have been around alot lately are the hawks and falcons.

They usually sit on top of a dead tree in the conservation area. They sometimes sit there for hours. They are obviously hunting but I've never seen them get anything and I'm glad I haven't. I realize they have to eat but I just don't want to see it. Like I've said before I notice when they are around, the woodpeckers and larger birds are no where to be seen. The chickadees still seem to go about their business. They must not have enough 'meat' on them for the hawks ... lol.
Do you realize that two weeks from today is Christmas day?? That's nuts! And 3 weeks from today it will be 2010!!! That's even nutser ... lol.
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Today I put these cute Christmas Ornament Frames into LLL Creations Dollar Mart.

They have the 'glass' overlay and the layout below shows the size on a 12x12 inch paper. These would be great for doing individual Christmas pictures of the kids, grandkids etc.
You get all 3 frames for only $1.00~ Get them here or just go through LLL Creations under the Frames category.

The paper is part of the Deluxe Christmas Paper pack found here.
And the word art is part of Christmas Word Art #2 found here.
And don't forget my promotion ...
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So since New Years is also creeping up on us ... this is your freebie for today;
Download New Years Stick Pins Freebie

I honestly didn't feel like doing another layout for the stickpins so I just stuck one on a layout I already had so you can see the size ... lol.

"I'm Party Trained" word art available here.
Diamond swirl designs available here.
As usual your comments are really appreciated. Thanks.

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Dec. 11, 2009. Thanks again.
Love the stick pins! Cute "Party Trained" layout. Thanks! :)
Would love to have the new year pins but get a message that the 'jinx' password is not valid.Help please?
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