What a change from just a week ago! The weather has been great, sunny and much warmer. The days are longer and the first signs of spring are definately around. First off, there are so many more birds around. After the long winter of total quiet in the back conservation area all of a sudden everything has come to life. Many different birds have come back and it's a busy place back there again. Birds chirping from sunrise to sundown and geese and ducks and everything I LOVE about living here~! lol
We even had a chance to go outside and do some cleaning up in the yard and gardens and some plants are actually starting to grow. What a great time of year. And yesterday being St. Patricks day we went out for a couple of green beers and actually got to sit on an outdoor patio! That's a sure sign of spring ... lol.
But the sign of spring that convinces me the most is this one ...

The cat cage is back outside!!! lol Yep, it's been a long cold winter and the cats are very happy to be back out in the fresh air and sun. And it didn't take long for Nemo to remember his trick from last year of hiding under the carpet in hopes that the birds won't see him and land on the cage ... LOL!.

So Spring is in the air ...
and this is what I put into
LLL Creations Dollar Mart today ...
Spring FramesYou get 4 hanging spring frames for only $1.50 ... get them

These frames are so versatile and look great in a layout.
Spring Is In The Air Papers ... only $1.00 ... get them

The layout below shows the size of the frames and shows one of the papers on a 12x12 inch layout.

You only have until tomorrow night to get in on my Anniversary Special ...
Get it while you can here ~
And 2 weeks left to enter my March Contest~

And on top of all that there is my
March Promotion!
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OK, enough excitement ...lol.
Here is todays freebie as shown in the layout above ...
Download Signs of Spring Word Art FreebieSORRY LINK HAS EXPIRED
You know, I know that when you are searching around grabbing all the freebies you don't want to
'waste time' saying thanks or leaving a comment. Every week it's the same thing ... hundreds of downloads and 4 or 5 comments (and usually the same people) but ... please take a minute and tell me you were here. Over the past few years hundreds of designers that used to give away freebies have shut down their blogs and I can guarantee you that the majority did it because of that frustration. And many of them just got so frusterated they just said 'Screw it' and deleted their blogs without any warning. Its a feeling of being used and not appreciated at all and to be honest it sometimes feels like a total waste of time. I know you've heard this before and all designers feel the same.
Why is it so hard to take a few extra seconds and leave a comment?.
And not just today, and not just on this blog but for every freebie you download on ANY blog. For every freebie you download someone has spent time out of thier life creating it. Think of the hours and hours you are saving by not creating it yourself. If you blog hop for 2 hours you might have to add another 5 minutes total for thanks ... take a look at what you've received for your extra 5 minutes of time. I have been doing this blog for 2 years in April ... faithfully giving freebie after freebie, yet only have a handful of faithful thankers. You do not have to log in to comment in my Cbox or in the comment area below this post. Pay it forward ... because sometimes 'screw it' seems like not a bad idea. Sorry for the rant if you actually read this, but sometimes it just needs to come out.