Now ... about the peanut ... lol. My daughter had her first ultrasound done at 8 weeks!. (She is now over 11 wks). Her due date is January 26th. It's so exciting seeing there REALLY is a baby in there. She calls it her little peanut right now because that's about the size of it ... lol.

Ahh ... my little grandbaby is growing. So exciting~!!!!
So of course all I can think about lately is babies, babies and babies! I'm still waiting to get the pictures of her wedding so I can work on her scrapbook so in the meantime I'm going to get ahead of the game for the upcoming bundle of joy~!
This is what went into LLL Creations Dollar Mart today;
Baby Word Art #2 - get 4 word art for only $1 - get them HERE.

And the layout below shows one of them for size on a 12x12 inch layout ...

Baby bead pin is part of a 16 pc set for only $1 - get them HERE.
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I had made this ultrasound word art seen in the layout of my daughters first ultasound and I thought that could be your freebie for today;
Download Ultrasound Word Art

Take a guess at the gender of my daughters baby ... lol.
Have a great day~!
Please leave a comment below this post or in my CBox on the right side of this blog.

I love this! Thank you so much for this great wordart!
Thank you for the inspiration.
Hello Little Peanut!!
Grow strong and healthy, little one. Your Mommy and Daddy and all of your extended family are dreaming and waiting, wishing, preparing, anticipating, Each day is a step closer to life anew, each day a touch closer to holding you.
Love from your great aunt Arlene
Thanx for sharing your lovely wordart with us.
this is adorable!! thank you for sharing!
Well I am going to guess It's A Boy!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Jul. 12, 2010. Thanks again.
Thanks ! This is great!
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