First off ... I'm very excited to tell you that My Memories is being featured on the TV show called 'The Balancing Act' tomorrow. (Hmmm.. Balancing Act, I need to balance my act!!) It sucks because in Canada we don't even have the LIFE channel (at least I don't) but they are going to put the video on their site so I will have to wait and watch it then. As soon as it airs tomorrow this link will be live:
This is only the first of 3 segments!
And the best part is ...
YOU and everyone has the opportunity to get a FREE photobook from their site. As a promotion to celebrate the show they are having a 20 page hardcover book giveaway. Get all the details here:
You can download the free trial of their software here:
My Memories Suite Free Trial Software
Give it a shot and you will LOVE IT! For inspiration, questions and answers etc check out their facebook page ... almost 16,000 fans and growing ...
My Memories on Facebook
And while we are talking about facebook ... I have a new Exclusive freebie on LLL Creations facebook ...

Here is a layout using one of the frames ... of course my adorable grandson...

So come on over to LLL Creations on facebook. Once you have liked my page you will have access to all my exclusive freebies there. I change them often!
PS - If you are one of my customers from LLL Creations Dollar Mart, you might want to take a look at my shop at My Memories. Many items there are NOT in my personal shop and I have stuck with the low prices in their shop. Come check it out:
LLL Creations at My Memories
Have a great day~