So how is everyone liking the new facebook timeline? I switched over awhile back and I have to say I'm not thrilled with it. Well, I actually like it for my personal fb page. But it's really horrible for business pages because it groups all the recent posts together on the right side of the page and so I just think it's a pain. I'm hoping in the future they will change that and at least give us an option to 'ungroup' those posts or not. I know alot of people that don't like it.
Anyways, like it or not we don't have a choice. For my personal fb page I LOVE to change the Timeline Cover often. It's fun to change it and make it really personal. If you find those photos a pain well you might want to come over and look at these Quick Timelines I've created. They are sets of 3 for only 99 cents! Many sets to choose from, some especially for friends, kids and for grandmas too! A quick and easy way to have a fun timeline cover!
Quick Timelines 1 - Get it HERE. (And look under related products for many more!)

And with spring right around the corner I've created a kit called 'Down to Earth' ... Come see this one, it took 4 preview images to show you everything!.
Down to Earth is available HERE.

*** And if you still haven't liked my facebook page, now is the time. I have exclusive freebies and I will be changing it tomorrow! Once you like my page you have access to all exclusive freebies ... but not the ones you miss by not liking now. :-)
Like LLL Creations on facebook HERE.
I'm having a challenge on my facebook page and you can win a $30 shopping spree at my shop!

And now hopping right along ... (pardon the pun!) here is a little freebie for you.
This Quick Timeline sampler will show you just how quick and easy it is to get a great looking Timeline cover in no time! (If you use My Memories Suite it includes quick instructions how to use it)
And if you don't have My Memories Suite yet, what's stopping you? This great program is everything you will EVER need for digital scrapbooking and so much more.
Use this cpn. code: STMMMS29686
and recieve $10 off immediately, followed by a welcome letter which will include a $10 My Memories store credit for any kits you want! Then you also get $10 credit at LLL Creations Dollar Mart when you forward me your welome letter. Can you say 'great deal'?? lol
Here's you Friends Facebook Timeline Cover Sampler HERE.

Have a safe and fun Easter weekend!

Thank you so much.Very pretty.
Thanks so much for sharing. It's great!
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