Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Time to make your calendars ....

A GREAT time to get your 2020 Calendars done.

My calendars are all 30% OFF. (These are templates for My Memories Software)

And My Memories has their calendar print services 40% OFF until Oct. 13th. 

These make great Christmas gifts. Your friends and family will love these and it's a gift that lasts all year!. Add important dates like birthdays, anniversaries etc to the calendar using the text tool before you get printed.

See my calendars in the shop HERE

Get them printed at My Memories HERE


Don't have My Memories Suite software?

It's fabulous for scrapbooking (and making calendars.  😉)

You can get $10 off the software just by using this code at checkout:  STMMMS29686

Get My Memories Suite software HERE


This weeks $2 Deal~!!
Denim Page Borders ...get them HERE
Valid until Oct. 14th.


While you are shopping here is the NEW FREE KIT with purchase.
Spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Shop & get this kit FREE.
Use promo code: October7XCOD
(case sensitive)
at checkout and you will automatically get this kit free~!
~Valid until Oct. 13th~


Time for the NEW Share the Memories FREEBIES!
Valid until Oct. 13th

Get this cute October mini kit freebie HERE
AND get this Gothic quick page freebie HERE


Have a great day~

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