Well, my husband finished the walkway to the gazebo and he did a great job! This picture is just after he was done and I had hosed it off. It looks great wet ...lol.

And here's a picture I took from upstairs, you can see the little garden we put in.

After seeing those turtles in our backyard I couldn't resist the little turtle stepping stone for the garden!
This is the first time I've ever tried red mulch. I put it in all my gardens this year and I was surprised at how far it went. We only bought a half yard and it went through all these gardens plus a few more ...
(By the way - the pictures of my garden in the previous post were from last summer - most of those flowers have not flowered yet this year)

And it seems my husband is on a roll. Right now he's outside making a little bench to put outside the gazebo! He had some cedar left so I think he just want's to clear out 'his' garage ... lol.
This is what I put into LLL Creations Dollar Mart today;

These Page Toppers span the width of a 12x12 inch layout and the lettering is transparent. So you can change the look of them by the paper you put underneath.

Each set is only $1.50 and you can get them here or through my store under the Word Art category. And you can see other's like this here.
And my promotion is still on;

Get a closer look at the overlays in the previous post.
And take advantage of the free Summer Border Overlays until the 30th~
Today I have some Tiled Frames for you;
Download Tiled Frames

Now that is just gorgeous. Lil. You all did a fantastic job on the gazebo and the gardens. I'll show DH in the morning he's jaw will drop at the beauty LOL
It was just too hot for me today. I stayed indoors most of the day. I live by the lake and it was hard to breath, the air was so dead. There is a nice wind blowing now which I hope cools it all down some.
We are heading out on Friday night for vacation and I won't be around for a few weeks. I hope you and yours have a terrific summer.
I did pick up your gorgeous frames this evening. They are beautiful. I love the design. Thank you so much for sharing them.
You are probably sleeping right now. I woke with a splitting headache at 2 am. Not good LOL. Too hot today. So while the pills take time to kick in I went online and found I had an award.
You already know I love your blog and read often. But what is a great blog but the person behind it, you. In light of this I wish to give you the Lovely Blog Award. Please drop bye my blog to pick it up.
Thank you ever so much for all you do.
Big Huggins
The gazebo, your walkway and gardens all look amazing!!! You will have an enjoyable time outside now that you have the perfect area to relax. I can't wait to see the bench when you hubby finishes it. Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Wendy
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