The nest was soooo perfect and looked soooo comfy~!

I didn't have the heart to throw it away so after cleaning out the house I put the nest right back in~! It will save them alot of work next spring ... lol.
It's only a few weeks away before my nephew and his fiance are due. Wow, finally a baby in our family after many many years! Will I rememeber how to hold one? lol They've picked names but they didn't want to know if it was a girl or boy before hand. So I've been thinking alot about it the past few weeks and it inspired me to make some baby stuff.
So this is what went into LLL Creations Dollar Mart today.
(Click on pictures for larger view)

Each set contains 14 stamps that are transparent as the larger stamp in the preview shows. They would make a great addition to any baby pages and are only $1.00 a set. Since I don't have any baby pics to scrap yet, I can't even show you them in a layout ... lol. You can get them here or just go through LLL Creations Dollar Mart under the Word Art category.
And don't forget I still have my latest promotion on;
This frame takes up a full 12x12 size page.
And for those of you who have girls that are a little past the baby stage, I have this freebie for you today;
Download Little Miss Tags Sampler

This is a sampler of a larger set that I have here. (These ones are not included in the set) There is a layout at that same link to show you the size against a 12x12 inch page.
TYVM for the cute tags :) And coool over the feather bed. Hope you took some closeups for it for scrap kit elements for a fantasy kit hehe.
That feather nest is the neatest thing to see. Thanks so much for sharing it.
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