First of all I would like to show you the fabulous sky I woke up to this morning. (Yes, it was still dark out ... lol)

It was soooooooo beautiful! The clouds were in lines and there was beams coming through the clouds ... it was much nicer in person, but just to give you an idea.

There's something about skies that fascinate me ...
And on another subject ... there has been alot of change around here as far as nature goes ...
Today it was fairly mild out and when I stepped outside the first thing I noticed was the huge amount of ladybugs flying around. I remember this happened last year too - all of a sudden one day just tons of ladybugs everywhere. Actually when I stepped back inside I had two on me ... lol.
The other thing I noticed today was there was a different kind of bird around that I haven't seen around here before. I looked it up in my bird book and it is a Dark-Eyed Junco.

Everything is in the middle of migration. These Juncos go south for the winter and I think they just stopped by on their way ... lol.
And the cutest thing of the day ...

This chipmunk has decided to camp out under our gazebo. I always have this flat feeder out for the doves because they can't land on the normal bird feeders and this chipmunk discovered it and thought he had died and gone to heaven~! lol So I moved it beside the gazebo to make him happy for a few minutes. Boy, do these animals/birds have ME trained, or what???
(Adorable word art available here)
(Journaling Clip paper available here)
Speaking of migration ... I'll be migrating to Cuba in less then 2 days ... lol. Can't wait~!
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So in the last post I had shown some Autumn layouts. I put those Autumn word art and papers I made into LLL Creations Dollar Mart today. (Look at previous post for closer views)

You can get the Autumn Word Art here for only $1.00. Or just go through LLL Creations Dollar Mart under the Word Art category.

You can get 8 Autumn Papers for only $1.00 - get them here or just go through LLL Creations Dollar Mart under the Papers category.
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And before I go on vacation ... I want to give you these Halloween Papers;

Have a great next week and a Happy Halloween~! I'll be home on the 30th but not sure when I'll get a chance to post.
Download Halloween Papers #1
Thanks ... and have a great day~!