And I hope you read it because I just hate talking to myself~!!! lol I was going to do this tomorrow but my hubby is out playing poker with the guys and sooo ... I'm posting a day early!
First off ... a funny little story.
Last night we were watching the baseball game on tv (Go Blue Jays~!) and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something run across the floor. I looked at my husband and he looked at me and I said 'Did you just see something run across the floor?'. He said 'Well, I thought I did but it must of just been a reflection from the tv'. Well, I didn't fall for that one ... lol. So I kept looking down in the general direction I had seen the movement and a few minutes later .... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... a tiny mouse (or mole?) ran out from under the tv cabinet and behind a chair. Now because of where we live with our property backing off into a conservation wooded area I obviously knew there was mice around. But in the house???!!!
So, now I'm screaming and showing my husband which way it went and I run into the laundry room and get a bucket. (I was thinking I would throw it over him and at least trap him) So we are both approaching it and of course it runs behind a plant. All the time I'm jumping and pointing and we are both trying to keep up with it and its running back and forth, under the cabinet, behind the chair etc. Hubby starts calling the younger cat Nemo to come down and I'm screaming - "No ... I don't want him to get it, it would be just too gross!". All this time the older cat Mischief (16 yrs. old next month) is sleeping on the couch. My husband decides we should spray it with something to stun it and then I would be able to put the bucket on top. So he goes into the laundry room and grabs the first thing he sees ... Lysol ... LOL.
So now I'm running with the bucket, he's running with the lysol and around and around the room we go. It was a quick little thing (and I hate to admit it but kinda cute .. LOL) I'm still screaming and my husband is now on his knees chasing it and out of nowhere comes Mischief around the couch, takes one look and 'Wham' catches it~!!! LOL Then he slowly walks up the stairs (we are sure he wanted to show Nemo what he had) all the time just holding it gently in his mouth (YUK!). So now my husband is running up the stairs to get it off of him (which he did and promptly threw it outside) and I just started laughing and laughing. If we had a video of that episode ... me with my bucket ... my husband with a can of lysol and then a 100 something year old cat (who wasn't even quite awake yet!) catching it in a split second, we could make a fortune~!! LMAO
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It's been such a busy time lately that I totally forgot that on April 5th was this blogs Two Year Anniversary! Wow, I remember just thinking about opening a blog and now 2 years has gone by. Well, I wasn't going to have a April promotion ... but I've decided to put on an Anniversary Promotion ...

With a minimum $5.00 purchase at
LLL Creations Dollar Mart between April 14th-30th you are going to get this Book of Love Frame ... plus a bonus word art~!
PLEASE NOTE: Promotion is now expired but the Book of Love Frame is available HERE.
The layout below shows the size of the frame on a 12x12 inch paper and also shows the bonus word art ...
Note: This will automatically be sent with your order.
And because it will be so close to the end of today by the time I finish posting this ... I will honour this promotion for any orders starting tonight.
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Thanks to 'Laser' who commented about the question I asked about scrapbooking things you are looking for. She said she had been looking for Vintage type frames and I really liked the idea. One of the projects I started and had never finished was a sort of family history scrapbook and this has really made me want to finish it off.
So... these went into
LLL Creations Dollar Mart today ...
Vintage Grunge Frames #1 - can be found

And a layout to show you the size on a 12x12 inch paper ...
Vintage Grunge Frames #2 - can be found

Another layout ...

'My Family Tree' Metal Charm can be found
Vintage Grunge Frames #3 - can be found

And another layout ...

So it's a great time to get shopping ... and a great time to treasure your ancestory!
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As a special thanks to Laser your freebie for today is this Vintage Grunge Frames Sampler ...
(These frames are not included in any of the above sets)
Download Vintage Grunge Frames SamplerSORRY LINK HAS EXPIRED
I'd love to hear more ideas of items you have been looking for. As I said before ... sometimes wishes come true ... You can comment in my Cbox on the right side of this blog or below this post. I would love to hear from you~!
Password is: lysol
~ Have a great day ~