A fews posts ago (HERE) I showed a dried flower arrangement that I wanted to try. Well, I cut my Black Eyed Susans and dried then out in between some heavy books for a few weeks. It actually worked not too bad. I then put them in a frame that I had with double glass and this is what it turned out like.

I wasn't 100% satisfied with the results but I guess it wasn't too bad for my first try. I think next year I will be prepared to make a much nicer one. You really have to make sure when putting the flowers between the books that all the petals and leaves are lying flat and facing forward. Once they come out from the books and are dry you really can't change them. Also I should of picked them a bit earlier while the stems weren't so thick. I think next year I will do one with a few other flowers, make it more symetrical and have the bottom line up nicely like a bouquet. But it was really fun to try.
My great nephew is going to be a 1 year old on Sept. 8th already! Wow, that year went by fast. Next weekend is his first birthday bash and it should be alot of fun. I decided it was time to make some kids word art and so this is what went into LLL Creations Dollar Mart today;
Kids Word Art #1 - 5 fun word art for only $1 - Get it HERE.

The 'Kids 'r Kool' word art was a freebie awhile back. I usually only have 4 word art to a pack but I added that word art in case you missed it.
And one shown for size on the 12x12 inch layout below;

They are little for such a short time .... ahhh ....
And don't forget about my Back to School Promotion;

So now is a good time to take a look at all the items in my shop ...
because you get alot of bang for your buck!
~~ -:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:-.•:*♥*:•.-:¦:- ~~
Todays freebie is this Neutral Paper Pack ...
Download Neutral Paper Pack #4 FREEBIE

As usual, comments are appreciated ~~ Have a good weekend!
NOTE: Have you joined my mailing list? I have 81 people on my mailing list yet Bravenet is telling me that less then 50% even open the email. That could mean alot of you are receiving the email in your junk box. Please check your junk mail and tell your email it's not junk ... lol.

Thank you for sharing these beautiful papers with us.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing these freebies...greatly appreciated !! x
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
It seems that so much out there is pastel or feminine colors. It's nice to see something different. Thanks for the papers!
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