Tuesday, December 29, 2020

$2 Deals and more ...

 Looking for the My Memories December Blog Train?

It's 2 posts below this one.

But hurry... Blog train ends Dec. 31st


You don't want to miss this weeks $2 Deal!
Get all of this in 'Snow Much Fun' HERE

Valid until Jan. 4th


You still have time...
ALL of my Christmas photo books are 40% OFF! A large selection each coming in 3 sizes. 12x12, 8.5x11 or 11x8.5.

Come see them all HERE
*NOTE: All books created using My Memories Suite software. Don't have this awesome scrapbooking program? Why not? Get $10 off the program instantly by using this code at checkout.
Get the software HERE

Valid until Dec. 31st


NEW in my shop 'Weathered Wood Winter Papers'.
Get them HERE


Here are the NEW Share the Memories FREEBIES!
Valid until Jan. 3rd

Get this awesome Big Dreams quick page free HERE

AND this pretty New Years quick page free HERE


This weeks FREE kit with purchase is so pretty!
Spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Designer shop and use this promo code: December28WAJA
at checkout (case sensitive) and you will get 'Good Times With You' kit FREE!!
Valid until Jan. 3rd


And all these freebies expire Dec. 31st... so hurry!
Christmas Night Mini: Get it on the blog train HERE
2020 Christmas Ornaments HERE
December Essential HERE
Buffalo Plaid Frame HERE


Have a great week!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Flash Sale~!

Looking for the My Memories December Blog Train?
It's 1 post below this one.

Blog train ends Dec. 31st


Flash Sale - One Day Only

Get 40% OFF my entire shop HERE


ALL of my Christmas photo books are 40% OFF! A large selection each coming in 3 sizes. 12x12, 8.5x11 or 11x8.5.
Come see them all HERE
*NOTE: All books created using My Memories Suite software. Don't have this awesome scrapbooking program? Why not? Get $10 off the program instantly by using this code at checkout.
Get the software HERE

Valid until Dec. 31st


Make sure you pick up ALL of my December Freebies.
Christmas Night Mini: Get it on the blog train HERE
2020 Christmas Ornaments HERE
December Essential HERE
Buffalo Plaid Frame HERE

♥ Have a great week and Merry Christmas 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My Memories December Blog Train - All Aboard! 🚂


Hop on the My Memories Designer December Blog Train!.

My contribution to the Blog Train is called 'Christmas Night Mini'

~Free until Dec. 31st HERE~



Have you seen my newest Exclusive collection in my shop ''Home For Christmas'?.

There is a kit, add-on packs and of course a bundle which is the best deal.
Come see it all 


Don't miss this week's $2 Deal~!
Get 'Christmas Is For Kids ' HERE
An awesome deal
End Dec. 21st midnight... don't miss it!


This bundle sale has been extended a week so don't miss it.

Get 'Plaid Christmas Bundle50% OFF until Dec. 23rd
Get it HERE

And this weeks bundle sale.
Get 'Traditional Christmas Bundle' 50% OFF HERE
Valid until Dec. 23rd



Only a few days left to pick up this freebie.
'Home For Christmas Sampler.  Coordinates with my newest exclusive collection.
Get it FREE until Dec. 18th HERE

'Buffalo Plaid Frame'
Get this FREEBIE HERE until Dec. 29th

Buffalo Plaid Frame coordinates with my B&W Christmas Buffalo Plaid kit.
Get the kit here (on sale) HERE

My 2020 Christmas Ornaments are now available. I've had this tradition since 2013. Every year the ornaments are different but this year they are extra special because they come with masks. Let's hope this is the only year they will look like this.
Get 2020 Christmas Ornaments FREE HERE

And my December Essential FREEBIE is now available HERE
Free only until Dec. 31st
I hope you collected them all~
(Previous months are in the shop)


 This weeks FREE kit with purchase is so pretty!
Spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Designer shop and use this promo code: December14PMAK
at checkout (case sensitive) and you will get 'Blue Christmas' kit FREE!!
Valid until Dec. 20th


Here are this week's Share the Memories FREEBIES!
Valid until Dec. 20th

Get these sweet Christmas Elements free HERE

AND these awesome Christmas Frames free HERE


Don't forget to follow me on Facebook HERE.
Freebies, sales, new products and so much more!


~Keep on scrapping~
And if you need help scrapping your photos,  check out my shop 


Here is the complete December Blog Train Designer List:
Make sure you check out each stop to get all the amazing freebies!
Train runs until December 31st~

(Remember we are all in different time zones, 
so if someone doesn't have their part posted yet, please try again)


Sign up at the top right of my blog to receive all of my
blog posts by email.
You will receive an email to confirm and then make sure you put 
Lil's Little Luxury    noreply+feedproxy@google.com
on your safe list so they don't go into your junk email.

🚂 Hope you enjoyed the train! 🚂


Sunday, December 13, 2020

My Traditional Freebie! 🎅

Another FREEBIE!

My 2020 Christmas Ornaments are now available. I've had this tradition since 2013. Every year the ornaments are different but this year they are extra special because they come with masks. Let's hope this is the only year they will look like this.

Get 2020 Christmas Ornaments HERE

🎅 Have a great day 🎅

Saturday, December 12, 2020

NEW FREEBIE - Merry Christmas!

 It's hard to believe Christmas is less than 2 weeks away!!

So this week my bundle sale is 'Plaid Christmas Bundle'.  Get this bundle 50% OFF HERE

Valid until Dec. 16th

❄️And this week's $2 deal is 'Winter Chill'.❄️
Come see closer views and layouts for inspiration HERE
Valid until Dec. 14th


Have you picked up this FREEBIE yet?

Buffalo Plaid Frame coordinates with my B&W Christmas Buffalo Plaid kit. Merry Christmas!

Get the kit here (on sale) HERE


How about a Saturday FREEBIE?
This one coordinates with my newest collection. Pick up 'Home For Christmas Sampler' FREE until Dec. 18th HERE

And I've got a few more freebies coming up... actually 3 in the next week. So follow me on Facebook so you don't miss is a thing.

~Have a great weekend~

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday Super Deal!

 Only a few days left to get my newest collection 'Home For Christmas' 50% OFF.

There is a kit and add-on packs and of course a bundle which is always the best deal... but...

it's ALL 50% off until Dec. 9th

See it all in my shop HERE


Did you pick up this freebie yet?

Buffalo Plaid Frame coordinates with my B&W Christmas Buffalo Plaid kit. Merry Christmas!

Get the kit here (on sale) HERE



❄️This week's $2 deal is 'Winter Chill'.❄️
Come see closer views and layouts for inspiration HERE


This weeks FREE kit with purchase is adorable!
Spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Designer shop and use this promo code: December7XPST
at checkout (case sensitive) and you will get 'Nutcracker Christmas kit FREE!!
Valid until Dec. 13th


Here are the NEW Share the Memories FREEBIES!
Valid until Dec 13th

Get these pretty Sweet Dreams elements free HERE

AND this awesome snow quick page HERE


*♥*Have a great day*♥*

Friday, December 4, 2020

NEW Exclusive collection and freebie!!

 It's time!

It's time for my new Exclusive collection.

This month's collection is called 'Home For Christmas'.

It's where we all want to be.  There is a kit and add-on packs and of course a bundle which is always the best deal... but...

it's ALL 50% off for one week.

See it all in my shop HERE


This week get any of my 'Around Around Christmas Border' sets for $2.. come see them all HERE


This weeks bundle sale is 'Bright Christmas Bundle'.
Get it 50% OFF HERE
Valid until Dec. 9th


Who's ready for a new FREEBIE?
Buffalo Plaid Frame coordinates with my B&W Christmas Buffalo Plaid kit. Merry Christmas!

Get the kit here (on sale) HERE


~Have a fabulous day~