Saturday, September 16, 2023

My Memories September Blog Train - All Aboard! 🚂

My contribution to the September Blog Train is called 'School Time'

'School Time' HERE
~Free until September 30th~
(Don't miss more awesome FREEBIES below in this blog ⬇️)


Just over a week ago I lost my beloved cat Bailey.

He was 13½ years old. He was my side kick, a great companion and the cutest face to wake up to.
So this week I've put 'My Cat, My Heart' as my $2 deal. Our animals really do own a piece of our hearts.
Get this adorable kit HERE
But hurry, ends Sept. 18th


In a stressful world - we all need a little tranquility.
This week you can pick up 'A Tranquil Life Bundle' 50% OFF.
Such a great deal, get it HERE
Valid until Sept. 20th


Here are this weeks Share The Memories FREEBIES!

Get this cute 'September Cluster' freebie HERE

AND this pretty 'Summer Blast' page starter freebie HERE

Hurry, ends on the 17th!


There is still time to pick up this week's FREE kit with purchase!
Get 'Monkey Shines' kit free when you spend $20 anywhere in the My Memories Designer shop. Valid until Sept. 17th
Use promo code: September11DSLM
at checkout (case sensitive)
My Shop HERE



Ready for another great FREEBIE?
United Kingdom Cluster Sampler.
It coordinates with my United Kingdom collection (see it all HERE) You can pick up 'United Kingdom Cluster Sampler' FREE until Sept. 22nd HERE
*NOTE: If you add this to your cart, checkout and it is not in your downloads yet, it will go into your downloads automatically when released later today.

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook HERE.
Freebies, sales, new products and so much more!

Here is the complete September Blog Train Designer List:
Make sure you check out each stop to get all the amazing freebies!
~Train runs until September 30th~

(Remember we are all in different time zones, 
so if someone doesn't have their part posted yet, please try again)


🚂 Hope you enjoyed the train! 🚂


Anonymous said...

SO VERY sorry to hear of your loss. I know your pain for I've been through it more times than I care to remember. My current fur baby is 18 yrs. old and I fear I'll be going through what you are currently going through in the not too far future. Your kitty kit is adorable and luckily I checked my stash because I almost purchased it again.

LLL Creations said...

Awe, thank you. I've been through it several times as well. At 13 1/2 he was the youngest of them all. I was hoping I had more years with him. Your 18 year old fur baby is living a long beautiful life.
PS: If you would of tried to purchase it again it would of popped up saying you already own it. So no worries if you wouldn't of checked your stash.

Gala said...

Thank you very much for the wonderful set!

LLL Creations said...

You're very welcome Gala~